
Red Bull heading

When it comes to Red Bull, there is not much that they don’t do and not an industry they do not have some involvement with.  As some of you may know Red Bull cater to students extremely well, understanding that the student market is a huge target audience for the brand.  On the majority of campus Universities Red Bull have what they call  Student Brand Managers working for Red Bull who’s main initiative is to bring the students together with various different events that they hold on campus – giving the SBM’s freedom to create there own ideas and come up with ways to promote the brand on campus involving journeys around the country, extreme sports and obviously the legendary secret house parties they hold.

Red Bull F1If you have been to other Universities around England you may have seen the massive Red Bull themed milk floats that they drive around stocked to the brim with the Red Bull drink, supplying house parties, sports and events on campus with the best energy drink around – as far as a Student Job, I can’t think of anything better to be paid to do.

Currently recruiting:  In terms of spreading the word about the energy drink, Red Bull came up with a fantastic idea involving female students.  Students from all around the country are specifically chosen to become a member of the Red Bull Wings Team.  Right at this moment in time, Red Bull is looking for female students studying in London to become a member of this global brand!

Working separately to the student brand managers, the wings team focus on the general public around their Universities, supplying them with energy in there time of need.  The perks of this job are enormous, not only do you enjoy every single working minute but you get to drive around in the most fantastic Red Bull mini.  As I am sure you all know Red Bull have some of the most innovative and adventurous events around and being a part of the wings team allows you to work at these events or attend, giving you brilliant experience and an insight into the world of Red Bull.Red Bull girls

The element of surprise is how the wings team work, turning up to local businesses, building sights or more glamorously, movie premieres lending a hand to the people that have been working hard! – if you are interested in applying for this position, please go ahead and do it, the sooner the better and trust me, you won’t look back.  You can go onto Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag; #thebeststudentjobintheworld to get an insight into the world of the wings team, if you like what you see just go onto the job’s page within www.redbull.com and find the section for student jobs and the wings team applications will be ready and waiting for you to fill in!

Danny Macaskill

Danny Macaskill

Danny Macaskill is a professional Trials Cyclist and Red Bull athlete from Dunvegan on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. Trials cycling is a form of urban cycling with participants doing a series of complicated tricks on modified mountain bikes whilst at all times keeping both feet off the ground. The sport was invented and developed in Spain and has now grown in popularity around the world and has a professional circuit with regular competitions.

Macaskill came to fame in April 2009 when he appeared in a five and a half minute video on youtube in which he is showing off his incredible skills around Glasgow city centre, “We really didn’t expect anything to come of that video, it got some ridiculous amount of views, something like 300,000 views overnight, then within a couple of days it was 3 million.” He said. At the time of filming he was still working in a local bike shop as a mechanic. The video led to sponsorship opportunities and enabled Macaskill to turn professional.

As well as competing in trail cycling competitions around the world, Macaskill has continued to release videos through Youtube where he has a massive following. In summer 2013 he released a video called ‘Imaginate’ which had been shot over 18 months with support and sponsorship from Red Bull “The Red Bull thing has been great…the coolest part has actually been the freedom, they’ve supported me financially and creatively so I haven’t had pressure to do anything other than keep making the videos I want to make.” Macaskill said of his Red Bull partnership.

As you’d imagine, if you’ve ever seen one of Macaskill’s videos, injuries are common place in the Scots man’s life and have often led to long spells off the bike. “I broke my collarbone not long after Red Bull got involved, it was actually a good thing though, it gave me some actual time where I could go and recce spots around Scotland that would be good to ride and also look good on film, that’s where the idea for ‘way back home’ came from and it was during that time that we found all of the locations in that video.” ‘Way back home’ was Macaskill’s first Red Bull collaboration in which he travelled in his camper van from Edinburgh to the Isle of Skye, stopping off to ride amongst some spectacular scenery along the way, the video to date has in excess of 30 million hits on youtube.

Dan Macaskill’s rise has been spectacular in a discipline which only a few people knew existed before he arrived. With over 100 million Youtube views to his name and Red Bull’s backing, the Skye is the limit for this pioneering cyclist.

James ‘Bubba’ Stewart

James Stewart

James Stewart also known as ‘Bubba’ hails from Bartow, Florida and is a professional motor-cross racer, currently riding for Suzuki. He is best known for being the first African American to enjoy success at the very top level of any major motor sports associations.

As a child Stewart was introduced to the sport by his father Stewart Snr, who was a motor cross enthusiast and at the age of four Stewart Jr entered his first motor cross race.

Before the age of 16 Stewart won Eighty-four amateur national titles and went on to debut as a pro in 2002. Where he went on to dominate the 125cc national championships and in the process was named AMA rookie of the year in 2002.

Despite suffering several injuries he still went on to dominate and show case his talent for the next two years. in 2003 he won 125 west super-cross championship and in 2004 achieved double success as he won 125 east super cross title and the 125 outdoor national title.

Stewart made the step up in 2005 to the premier 450cc class in both the super cross series and out door national motor cross series. Despite suffering many injuries along the way, he still managed to showcase his skill aboard a motocross bike, as he won various titles from 2005 right up until 2009, which included his first ever super cross win in Texas, he also won AMA Super-Cross National Championship in 2007.

In terms of motor cross he wasn’t short of success there too, he won a national title in 2008 along with a world title in the same year and won two other world titles in 2006 & 2009.

Overall James Bubba stewart has achieved so much, not just in terms of titles, but doing it in a sport which doesn’t have many African American competitors, despite not winning any titles recently James Stewart has little to prove and will still be a valuable asset to Red Bull for many years to come.

Jon Olsson

Jon Olsson

Swedish free skier Jon Olsson is the definition of living the dream. As well as being an official Red Bull athlete, he’s a professional free skier and alpine ski racer.  Olson was introduced to skiing at a young age and took to it like a duck to water. At the age of 15 he left the ski racing academy and swapped his race skies for a pair of ‘Twin-tip’ skies, a special type of ski used by freestylers. When Jon was still at the academy he saw fellow skiers inventing all kinds of tricks on the skies. Jon knew, this is what he was meant to do.

Jon OlssonSince making the switch, Olsson has become one of the leading figures in the world of freestyle skiing and is the pioneer of several very difficult tricks that a normal person would not even dream of. The tricks have all very scientific names such as A D-spin 720 into a flatspin also known as the DJ Flip, a double switch rodeo 1080 a.k.a the Hexo flip, a double flatspin 900 (Kangaroo flip) and a switch cork 720 to flatspin 540 also known as The Tornado.

As well as being a true original, inventing many tricks, Olsson has a packed trophy cabinet having won multiple freestyle events, including 9 podium places at the prestigious Winter ‘X-Games’.

In recent years Olsson has picked up ski racing again and it so happens that his brother Hans Olsson is a professional Alpine ski racer and therefore Jon knows a lot of people from the racing circuit. A few years ago he made a bet with his brothers teammate Jens Byggmark that if he could secure a place on the Swedish Alpine racing team and qualify for the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics, Byggmark would have to pay 50.000SEK, about £5000, to Jon. Jon Olsson

Olsson has unfortunately lost the bet and won’t be seen in Sochi, at least not as an athlete.

Back home in Sweden, Olsson organises an annual ski competition. The competitors get one week with a film crew and whoever comes back with the coolest and most extreme video wins the contest.

When Olsson is not on the skies, he spends his time playing golf in Monaco, his home base.  Moreover, he competes in the annual ‘Gumball 3000’ a race around Europe with ‘boys and their toys’ involving some of the finest super cars money can buy.

Olsson is the epitome of extreme sports man, his lifestyle and his achievements definitely elevate him to the status of a demi-god within the fledgling world of freestyle skiing . His Youtube videos, with the help of Red Bull are jaw-dropping, both in terms of the skills on show and the stunning backdrop that snow covered mountain ranges provide. It’s fair to say that Jon Olsson is truly living the dream!

Cedric Dumont

Cedric Dumont

Red Bull is known for sponsoring the most dangerous of sports.  Wingsuit flying is the sport of flying the human body through the air using a special jumpsuit. This is called a wingsuit, which adds surface area to the human body to enable a significant increase in lift. Modern wingsuits, first developed in the late 1990s, create the surface area with fabric between the legs and under the arms. A wingsuit flight normally ends with a parachute opening. So, a wingsuit can safely be flown from any point that provides sufficient altitude for flight and parachute deployment.

Cedric Dumont is a Belgian base jumper sponsored by Red Bull. As of today, he has completed over 10,000 skydives and more than 2000 Base jumps. He started sky diving in 1993, BASE jumping in ’95 and wingsuit flying in ’99. Dumont has always been involved in sports, particularly extreme sports.  Since 1999, Cedric is a full time Red Bull athlete, travelling the world in search of new adventures and challenging projects pushing the limits of human flying.

Dumont is not only an athlete, but he graduated in Sports Psychology. He is fluent not only in French and Spanish, but also in English, Dutch and French.   Dumont needs a great deal of attention to details to complete his flights and avoid crashes that could be fatal.

Dumont started his career by helping other athletes achieve their goals and overcome their fears. He helped them to fight their own insecurities and fears. This drove him to overcome his own and become the great athlete he is today.

Like the majority of top athletes Dumont can do a variety of sports at a high level. Dumont is not only a jumper, but also is a very gifted skier, a surfer, and a competitive golfer with only a single handicap.

You can read Cedric Dumont’s full biography here: http://www.cedricdumont.com/bio/

His main focus is wingsuit flying. It is hard to describe a wingsuit flight so here is a video of Cedric doing what he does best.

Travis Pastrana

In the world of extreme sports there is one man that stands out from the rest, that man is the one and only Travis Pastrana. Creating and breaking records is one of Pastrana’s main fortes with the American winning world titles in AMA motocross and AMA supercross and also performing the first ever double back flip on a motocross bike.

At the tender age of fourteen Pastrana was already winning world championships when he secured The World Freestyle Championship in 1998, the American followed that up a year later with gold at the first ever X Games freestyle event becoming the youngest ever gold medalist. Pastrana also entered his first pro motocross race and in true Pastrana style the American took the checkered flag much to the amazement of the motocross community, Pastrana was now a phenomenon in the world of extreme sports.

Pastrana then showed his versatility aboard a motocross bike when in 2000 he secured the AMA 125cc Motocross World Title at the first time of asking and Pastrana wasn’t finished there as he then went on to secure the 125cc AMA World Supercross title. The awards just kept coming for Pastrana as he was named the AMA 2000 rookie of the year and was also named the 2001 motocross rider of the year by ESPN, as well as re-securing his X Games goal medal in freestyle.

Pastrana has gone on to amass a total of ten X Games gold medals including seven golds in free style, one gold in Moto X best trick, where he secured the highest ever score for his outrageous double back flip and two golds in Rally.

Travis Pastrana hasn’t just limited himself to just two wheels with the Suzuki rider trying his hand at four wheels. Rallying was now Pastrama’s new found love and the boy from Maryland quickly adapted becoming four time Rally America Drivers Champion and remarkably winning two golds in Rally Car Racing at his beloved X Games, where he beat rally legend Colin McRae. Pastrana also competed in NASCAR finishing in a impressive 6th place but due to injuries sustained aboard a motocross bike Pastrana was unable to compete in any further NASCAR races that season. In 2013 a fully fit Pastrana decided to compete in a full NASCAR season, where he finished a respectable 14th.

World records are also something Pastrana has added to his list of achievements. Pastrana officially set a new world record in a ramp-to-ramp car jump, the American smashed the previous recorded of 52m to a set a astonishing worlds best of 82m. Pastrana also broke the world record for the fastest ascent of Mount Washington in a car, setting a time of 6 minutes, 11.54 seconds.

With Red Bull being one of Pastrana’s main sponsors throughout his illustrious career, the energy drink provider has know doubt helped boost Pastrana’s profile and help elevate him to the star that he is now. With Red Bull’s continuing support who knows what astonishing feats Travis Pastrana may complete next.

Lolo Jones

Lolo jones 2

Red Bull athlete and USA Women’s hurdler Lolo Jones has decided to broaden her athletics skills by taking up bobsledding and is aiming to compete in the Sochi Winter Olympics in 2014.

Jones, who finished fourth in the Women’s 100m hurdles in London 2012, turned her attention to Bobsled after she was picked to join the US National squad for the second year in a row. Jones will compete for the USA in the Sochi 2014 Winter Games.

The 31-year-old told ESPN that she is more prepared for this season after her first year with the squad was a triumphant success.

“Last year, I was just soaking everything in. It was an adventure, it was fun, it was nothing really on the line for me,” Jones said. “It was just kind of an escape and there were no expectations. So now coming into my second year, they expect me to be more knowledgeable and more of a leader.”

Jones’ professional track career hasn’t all been plain sailing. After winning three NCAA titles and earning 11 All-American honours at LSU, Jones was the clear favourite going into the Women’s 100m hurdles at the Beijing 2008 Olympics. Unfortunately, while leading the race to the penultimate hurdle, Jones fell and staggered across the line in seventh place behind eventual winner American sprinter Dawn Harper.Lolo Jones 3

“I messed up and it cost me the gold medal. The good thing about failure is that if you learn from them they can make you such a stronger person and there is not a day that has gone by that I have not thought about that race.”

Jones also missed out on a medal in the London games. She finished fourth behind fellow countrywomen Harper and Kelly Wells as well as Sally Pearson from Australia, who won gold with a world record time of 12.35.

But Jones told Red Bull that she remains optimistic in her quest for a medal in an Olympics games either in Winter or Summer.

“I want to go to Sochi and get on the podium. Third time’s a charm right?”