
Red Bull heading

When it comes to Red Bull, there is not much that they don’t do and not an industry they do not have some involvement with.  As some of you may know Red Bull cater to students extremely well, understanding that the student market is a huge target audience for the brand.  On the majority of campus Universities Red Bull have what they call  Student Brand Managers working for Red Bull who’s main initiative is to bring the students together with various different events that they hold on campus – giving the SBM’s freedom to create there own ideas and come up with ways to promote the brand on campus involving journeys around the country, extreme sports and obviously the legendary secret house parties they hold.

Red Bull F1If you have been to other Universities around England you may have seen the massive Red Bull themed milk floats that they drive around stocked to the brim with the Red Bull drink, supplying house parties, sports and events on campus with the best energy drink around – as far as a Student Job, I can’t think of anything better to be paid to do.

Currently recruiting:  In terms of spreading the word about the energy drink, Red Bull came up with a fantastic idea involving female students.  Students from all around the country are specifically chosen to become a member of the Red Bull Wings Team.  Right at this moment in time, Red Bull is looking for female students studying in London to become a member of this global brand!

Working separately to the student brand managers, the wings team focus on the general public around their Universities, supplying them with energy in there time of need.  The perks of this job are enormous, not only do you enjoy every single working minute but you get to drive around in the most fantastic Red Bull mini.  As I am sure you all know Red Bull have some of the most innovative and adventurous events around and being a part of the wings team allows you to work at these events or attend, giving you brilliant experience and an insight into the world of Red Bull.Red Bull girls

The element of surprise is how the wings team work, turning up to local businesses, building sights or more glamorously, movie premieres lending a hand to the people that have been working hard! – if you are interested in applying for this position, please go ahead and do it, the sooner the better and trust me, you won’t look back.  You can go onto Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag; #thebeststudentjobintheworld to get an insight into the world of the wings team, if you like what you see just go onto the job’s page within www.redbull.com and find the section for student jobs and the wings team applications will be ready and waiting for you to fill in!